
The Manila Rope
Manila rope is a wonderful, natural fiber rope and still has its place among horse packers, especially the ones who like to stay traditional.
The Manila Rope
Manila rope is a wonderful, natural fiber rope and still has its place among horse packers, especially the ones who like to stay traditional.

The Rope – the horse packers second best friend.
As trail riders and horse packers, we develop a relationship with ropes. We rely on them for everything from tying down gear to securing a horse at camp, and we...
The Rope – the horse packers second best friend.
As trail riders and horse packers, we develop a relationship with ropes. We rely on them for everything from tying down gear to securing a horse at camp, and we...

How to find the right Trail or Pack Horse?
Where to find a good trail horse? I often receive messages from people looking for trail horses. In this article, I want to touch on a few key points that...
How to find the right Trail or Pack Horse?
Where to find a good trail horse? I often receive messages from people looking for trail horses. In this article, I want to touch on a few key points that...

Rope Halters or Flat Halters for the Trail?
Flat halters or rope halters for the trail horse? The other day I noticed one of my old webbed halters in the barn. It’s 30 years old, maybe more. It...
Rope Halters or Flat Halters for the Trail?
Flat halters or rope halters for the trail horse? The other day I noticed one of my old webbed halters in the barn. It’s 30 years old, maybe more. It...

Split reins or loop-reins for the trail rider?
Most of us have a bridle assigned to a specific horse, and that bridle is set up to fit the horse perfectly. We use the same bridle for whatever we...
Split reins or loop-reins for the trail rider?
Most of us have a bridle assigned to a specific horse, and that bridle is set up to fit the horse perfectly. We use the same bridle for whatever we...

Our Blue Creek Bug Dope
Blue Creek Bug Dope Our very own Bug Dope is made in-house and has a unique recipe, not something you can buy anywhere else. It is made from 100% natural...
Our Blue Creek Bug Dope
Blue Creek Bug Dope Our very own Bug Dope is made in-house and has a unique recipe, not something you can buy anywhere else. It is made from 100% natural...